New Zealand seller for QRS Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Mats

About Us

Doug Esterman
B. Sc., Dip. B. S., B. App. Sc. (Clinical),
B. Osteo. Sc.
Registered Osteopath

Doug Esterman

I graduated from Massey University in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science (Physiology) and a Diploma of Business Studies before obtaining a 5 year, double degree Osteopathic Qualifications from R.M.I.T. University in Melbourne in 1996 and have been practicing as an Osteopath since.

I am excited by what I have read about QRS. It has a serious pedigree in terms of research and clinical trials, with over 100,000 units sold worldwide and over 10,000 patients treated in research and clinical trials.

It is not a quick fix. The research shows minimal improvement after 2 weeks, but a majority of conditions and individuals show improvement after a period of use of a few months, and it is this permanent improvement in health that excites me.

The European-wide doctor’s study with QRS clearly shows these benefits. Assessment of 21 illnesses shows a vast majority of patients get significant improvement when using QRS for a period of a few months.

Can it help you – I don’t know. But the research says there’s a  good chance these mats could make a major improvement to many areas of your life. The research shows PEMF has significantly helped a number of people with a wide range of both acute and chronic conditions including tendonitis/bursitis, myofascial syndromes, muscle and ligament sprains, strains and spasm, skin trauma and inflammations, scars and contractures, joint swelling and pain including Osteoarthritis.

I spend my working life trying to help people – I am not a sales rep or a marketer. I want to improve your health, and I certainly don’t want to sell you something that doesn’t work for you. I have been in business for a long time now – this is the first product I have promoted because there’s too much good research to not have major benefits for many people.

I cannot guarantee QRS will help you, but if I think QRS is right for you and you commit to its’ daily use there’s a really good chance that you will see major improvement in many of the health conditions that are restricting your life.

The rental option reduces the uncertainty. Trial the QRS 101 Home System for a monthly block or two and if you on to purchase the first month’s rental will be subtracted from the purchase price. Alternatively, you may have a condition that requires only short term help like recovery from surgery and the rental option works well here as well.

Doug Esterman
B.Sc., Dip. B.S., B. App. Sc. (Clinical), B. Osteo. Sc., Registered Osteopath.